Project Fiftyone

A young Afghan-Kiwi couple journey from New Zealand to Afghanistan to change 51 lives, including their own, in honor of those killed in a terrorist attack in Fiftyone is a feature documentary told through the eyes of Bariz Shah and Saba Afrasyabi. In remembrance of the 51 people martyred in Christchurch’s two mosques on March 15 2019 they travel to Afghanistan to empower some of Kabul’s most poverty stricken people through 51 micro-business projects. Using their personal footage filmed over 3 months in Afghanistan, we share in their determination to change lives, and see the dramatic changes in the people they meet. Together Bariz and Saba respond to an act of terror by creating hope and uplifting lives.DocumentaryPT1H24M2025-04-03
Gaylene Barnes
Bariz Shah
Saba Afrasyabi
Virginia Wright
Project Fiftyone"Project Fiftyone"


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